Next September, the NGO Gehitu will present the SEBASTIANE AWARD to the film production which best reflects the reality, freedom and social progress of the LGBTI group.
Celebrating its 17th edition this year, the mentioned award will be presented within the San Sebastián International Film Festival which will take place between September 16th to 24th. On the “Horizontes Latinos” section of this festival, the winning film of the SEBASTIANE LATINO Award “Rara” (Chile), by Pepa San Martín, will also be screened.
We want to express our satisfaction for the great number of candidate movies to the award of which four will be part of the Official Section. To conclude, we would like to highlight that between September 19th to 21th, the 2nd International LGBTI Film Festivals Conference will also take place participating countries from Latin America and Spain. Such event, brought together with San Sebastian Film Festival and Spain’s Public Agency for Culture Action, tries to build links between the two continents as well as become a framework for reflection about the reality of this kind of festivals.
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